ON ALL ORDERS OVER $100Shop Location
13 County Road E.Freetown, Ma 02717
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See more: Men's T-shirts
Raise Up T
$ 25.00
Brand Choppahead
Printed on high quality Bayside , MADE IN THE USA, T's.
In today's world where many motorcycle shops often look and function like fashionista pretentious hipster salons, its good to know there are still some old school, potentially dangerous, "get down" shops out there - where you need thick skin and a sense of humor to get by. Where your word and a handshake is bond. Where you'll be taken care of correctly but might get your balls busted in good fun, and where you can catch hands if you don't act right.
This shirt is an homage to these shops, which seem fewer by the day! But we're still here and we ain't changing!